While i was working in our Embassy in Damascus, Syria, at the beginning of 2011, and the Tunisian Revolution had just started, information followed one another about acts of looting and vandalism which were beginning to occur in certain cities of the country and which risked tarnish the image of the Revolution of Freedom and Dignity in Tunisia.
Wishing to help give a better image of my country abroad by sharing beautiful photos of Tunisia on his Facebook wall, I realized the rarity of such a product on the net. I therefore decided to launch a Facebook page which I called Belle Tunisie.
This page, which now has more than 240,000 subscribers from many countries, will be followed over the following years by Belle Tunisie channels on:
Youtube, Dailymotion, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr andReddit and finally by a web site, www.belle-tunisie.tn which came as a logical continuation of my effort.
Fruit of a personal effort – I built it by learning on the job the use of the Joomla platform -, it aims to contribute, through its six main sections (videos, photos, news feed, music, history and heritage) to the promotion of the destination Tunisia and to a better knowledge of my country.
Since January 2023, a new section, Travel and tourism, has enriched my web site and given it a broader horizon by inviting its readers to discover the cultures and attractions offered by various cities around the world.
The site has recorded since its launch in February 2019 and to date more than 2,8 millions clicks.
Being currently retired, this site takes up all my time but at the same time fills my time, leaving me little time for reading, sports and my favorite hobby: Scrabble
For more information, see Travel and tourism section in my web site www.Belle-Tunisie.tn

Bizerte - Tunisia

Djerba - Tunisia

Douz - Tunisia

Ghar El Melh - Tunisia

Hammamet - Tunisia

Kairouan - Tunisia

Kébili - Tunisia

Kélibia - Tunisia

Korbous - Tunisia

Ksibet El Médiouni - Tunisia

Mahdia - Tunisia

Matmata - Trglodyte houses - Tunisia

Monastir - Tunisia

Nabeul - Tunisia

Sfax - Tunisia

Sidi Bou Saïd - Tunisia

Sousse - Tunisia

Tabarka - Tunisia

Tunis - Tunisia
Ave Habib Bourguiba - Tunis - Tunisia

Yasmine - Hammamet